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Winning Pitch Decks and Oral Proposals with Mike Parkinson

New Year, new business! Check out Mike Parkinson's presentation below on winning pitch decks, oral proposals, and persuasive presentations... https://youtu.be/tun6GD0PU8Y  

By |2021-12-31T11:39:39-05:00December 29th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

13 Steps To A Successful Job Interview

With the New Year right around the corner, this article by Cella, Inc. may have just the tips you need to start looking for a career change. As intimidating as a job interview can be, there are ways to alleviate your nervousness and enter the conversation with a prospective employer feeling ready and self-assured. The

By |2021-12-27T21:25:56-05:00December 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

Shipley Tips: Everybody Gets a Trophy—Celebrate the Proposal Team, Win or Lose

Reprinted from https://www.shipleywins.com/blogs/ While the phrase, “everybody gets a trophy” has become aligned with a sense of entitlement, or the idea that one person works hard and the rest of the team reaps the benefits, I would argue that this phrase still has some merit. The phrase can apply to our proposal and business development

By |2021-12-14T19:48:03-05:00December 14th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

How does the government evaluate a proposal PWS?

Developing a comprehensive and effective PWS is a great way to show the government that you understand the work Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 37.602 gives the Federal Government the freedom to decide if the acquiring agency or the bidder prepares the Performance Work Statement (PWS). When the offeror prepares and submits the PWS as part of

By , |2021-11-23T07:18:23-05:00November 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

Advance Your Small Business Goals With These Actionable Tips

Advance Your Small Business Goals With These Actionable Tips There are more than 30 million small businesses across the United States. Whether you've owned your small business for years or are beginning your journey, you're far from alone. Being a business owner is hard, especially with such steep competition. Thankfully, you can use a few

By |2021-11-09T23:22:27-05:00November 9th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

6 Things I Learned After Attending BPC Denver

When I left Bid & Proposal Con Orlando in 2019, I felt energized and couldn’t wait to share my new knowledge with my colleagues who were unable to attend. Being at the event got me excited about my profession and eager to attend the 2020 conference in Nashville. However, the world had other plans. Luckily,

By |2021-10-27T22:22:03-04:00October 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

APMP had their Week of Winners, the online celebration and announcement of members who have received various honors, including individual and chapter awards, Charlie Divine APMP Certification Scholarships and 40 Under 40. National Capitol Area had several winners to call their own - join us in congratulating our colleagues - we are proud of our

By |2021-10-08T07:21:07-04:00October 7th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

The 5 Most Important Trends in Proposals in 2021 and Beyond

According to the Department of Commerce, the United States’ GDP declined by 3.5% in 2020, the single worst year for the economy since the end of World War II. Most companies experienced major losses in revenue. Many had to make layoffs and reduce team sizes. It was an incredibly difficult and chilling year for nearly

By |2021-09-08T17:53:12-04:00September 8th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

6 Questions to Improve Your Proposal Opportunity Qualification Process

Reposted from Team Patri's blog - click here for the original article. According to RFPIO’s 2021 Benchmark Report on Proposal Management, proposal customization to customer use cases will be the most important factor in winning proposals in 2021. Of course, proposal customization is easier said than done when dozens of proposals are in the works

By , |2021-09-01T07:54:24-04:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments

The MAC is Back on August 18th – More Speakers, More Presentations!!!

The Virtual MAC is back and happening on August 18th! See the announced speakers and register for your ticket today!   Deanna Winstead Simple Strategies that Solving Complex Proposal Management Challenges Increasing speed and agility of the proposal process is constantly sought after in the most effectively managed proposal departments. Identifying best practices, enhancing efficiencies,

By |2021-08-11T07:15:24-04:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured Article|0 Comments
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