Regular Article

Three Things I’ve Learned from the Virtual World

The world may be an ever-changing place, but never has it been quite so true in our generation. Faced with social distancing and sheltering-in-place, our society is facing new challenges on how to cope with a virtual world, and the challenges of remote proposal writing can be difficult to overcome. Over the last several weeks,

By |2020-06-19T00:37:24-04:00June 19th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

Four Ways to Survive Remote Proposal Management

The spread and concern over COVID-19 has dramatically altered every aspect of our lives. From the global cancellation of major sporting events to runs on meat and paper goods at the supermarket, there is no part of our daily lives that has been untouched by this pandemic. For many companies, the requirement for social distancing

By |2020-06-19T00:17:04-04:00June 19th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

Time Management Tips in our New Virtual World

 This morning I was on a video conference where we were discussing a training session Time Management from the prior week. There were some very enlightening comments. The theme was not just about keeping focused on tasks but keeping a focus on ALL things important. We are all juggling things, kids, teaching, parenting, other family

By |2020-10-09T12:45:28-04:00June 19th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

Welcome to the Executive Summary–APMP-NCA’s Quarterly Publication

Welcome to all of our regular visitors and to our new readers as well!  We have had a tremendous response to opening our publication to people outside of the APMP-NCA Chapter.  This issue follows the theme of our previous issue.  At the end of 2019, our 4th Quarter issue took a look into the past,

By |2020-04-04T13:58:08-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

The Proposal of the Future

Dr. Emmett Brown: Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. – “Back to the Future”, 1985 Dr. Brown was wrong, we still need roads. The cars may have changed, and some of them don’t need human drivers, but roads are still heavily traveled. Similarly, some may predict that our future procurement world will eliminate the need

By |2020-04-04T10:58:26-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

Looking Back – Yin & Yang (Part 2)

The following is Part 2 of a two-part article by R. Dennis Green.  If you missed Part 1, be sure to check out our last issue of 2019! Part 2: Looking Back 40+ Years... In an Era of Constant Change, Some things Don't I love the proposal management profession, as previously stated. And there isn’t

By |2020-04-04T13:55:24-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

Securing Your NEXT Win

Proposal writers’ major focus is pre-award. This is completely understandable—your job is to write winning proposals! But, if you want to focus on the long-term health of your organization, your work doesn’t end with the contract award if you are contributing everything necessary to be successful. Your winning proposal eloquently described to the customer what

By |2020-04-04T10:58:43-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|3 Comments

Spotlight: Rhythm & Harmony Chapter

History The Rhythm & Harmony Chapter was founded in Huntsville, AL in 2013 by Bill Boggs and 17 other charter members. The chapter was established to serve members in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Live, in-person events were held in Huntsville and Nashville every quarter. With participation waning and volunteer board members in Huntsville running

By |2020-04-04T10:59:03-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

The Presentation of the Future

Let’s watch some Powerpoint tonight... said no one ever! Little could Philo Farnsmouth have realised just how much he was about to change the world forever. It was September 7th 1927 and Philo was in his lab. He flipped the switch on his ‘image dissector’ and transmitted... a straight line - the equivalent of writing

By |2020-04-04T10:59:17-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments

3 Reasons Why Automation Benefits Your Proposals

How would you describe your current proposal process? Do you use a color-team vernacular; pink, red, gold, etc.? Do you have a capture planning stage? Now when you think about your process, how much of the work is automated? Does any of this sound familiar? If you’re not yet using automation for your process, then

By |2020-04-04T11:00:22-04:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: eZine, Regular Article|0 Comments
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