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2019 MAC Call for Speakers

APMP-NCA 2019 Mid-Atlantic Conference and Expo Call for Speakers APMP-NCA solicits abstracts for presentations at the 2019 Mid-Atlantic Conference and Expo (MAC). We are looking for sessions that use a variety of presentation methods (standard presentations (with PPT slides), panels, workshops, etc.) and provide innovative, actionable insights that attendees can use in their day-to-day experience

By |2020-04-04T04:53:50-04:00June 26th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Home Page|0 Comments

Scholarship for 2019 APMP International Bid & Proposal Conference

A scholarship award is available in the amount of a full early bird conference registration for the 2019 APMP International Bid & Proposal Conference in Orlando, May 20 – 23, 2019. Please refer to the conference web site for specific conference information: https://www.apmp.org/general/custom.asp?page=orlando. The scholarship covers Early Bird Full Registration for an APMP member affiliated

By |2020-04-04T04:54:28-04:00February 15th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Home Page|0 Comments

Career Tools: Mentor, Advocate, Or?

by Tara Rethore, CEO of M. Beacon Enterprises LLC Mentorship is a fairly common tool for professional development, as part of both formal mentoring programs (e.g., APMP-NCA’s Mentor-Protégé Program) and selfinitiated personal development plans. An effective mentor is usually a more experienced person who guides someone along her/his professional journey based on her/his experiences and

By |2020-04-04T12:25:59-04:00May 29th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Home Page|0 Comments
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