APMP NCA’s Mentor-Protégé Program

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, the importance of strong mentorship cannot be overstated. For proposal professionals, mentorship can be the key to unlocking new levels of skill, confidence, and career advancement. The APMP National Capital Area (NCA) Chapter’s Mentor-Protégé Program stands out as a beacon of opportunity for those eager to learn and grow within the proposal management and business development field. Read on for exclusive perks for early registrants!

The Power of Mentorship

Mentorship is more than just guidance; it’s a catalyst for transformation. For protégés, the APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program provides a unique platform to gain insights from seasoned experts, absorb industry best practices, and navigate the intricate world of proposal management. For mentors, the program offers an opportunity to share their knowledge, give back to the community, and help shape the
future leaders of the industry.

What Sets APMP NCA’s Program Apart

In 2024, the APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program saw participants from five different states and even one from another country, highlighting its growing reach and impact. This diversity in participation reflects the program’s ability to connect professionals across geographies, enriching the experience for everyone involved.

Key features of the program include:

  • Customized Learning: Participants are carefully matched based on their specific needs and goals, ensuring a productive and mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Diverse Expertise: With mentors from various sectors and levels of experience, protégés have access to a wide range of perspectives and insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: The program encourages participants to engage with the broader APMP NCA community, fostering connections that extend beyond the mentoring relationship.

Success Stories: Real Impact

The success of the APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program is best illustrated through the experiences of its participants:

Katie P., 2024 participant: “As someone newly entering the Proposal Management industry, I recognized the importance of building a solid foundation in this field to make a meaningful impact as a Proposal Coordinator. To achieve this, I joined the APMP Mentor-Protégé program with the goal of broadening my knowledge and learning from experienced professionals. I saw this program as an invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in industry best practices, strategies, and techniques that would allow me to make a lasting impact in my role.

Through the guidance and insights of my mentor, I aimed to enhance my skills, navigate challenges more effectively, and contribute to the success of my team and organization. My mentor provided invaluable guidance not only in navigating the business aspects of my role but also in emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which I have found to be extremely beneficial. I have seen extensive growth in myself through my experience in the Mentor-Protégé program and know that the connections and lessons I have gained will continue to positively influence my career for years to come.”

Psalms M., 2024 participant: “Participating in the APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program has been an incredibly valuable experience. My mentor has been very helpful in supporting me with tasks I needed assistance with at work. She has taught me skills that enabled me to more easily complete tasks I found challenging. Her outside perspective has been invaluable, especially in helping me accept, adapt, and react to circumstances during the proposal process that are out of my control. My mentor has been ensuring we meet at a cadence that suits my current needs, and although we’ve faced some challenges with a 12-hour time difference, we’ve managed to meet several times a month. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to grow professionally.”

Cheryl H., 2024 participant: “Participating in the APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program has been an incredibly rewarding experience. My protégé this year has been eager to learn and grow, and our regular meetings have focused on building her confidence, enhancing her networking skills, and learning how to develop a Capture plan. The connection we’ve built is so strong that we plan to continue meeting even after the program ends. I’ve mentored in this program before, and each time has been fulfilling. In fact, I am still in regular contact with a couple of my former protégés, who I now consider as friends. I highly encourage others to join and experience the same rewards.”

What’s in Store for 2025?

The upcoming 2025 Mentor-Protégé Program promises to be even more exciting, with fresh, engaging, and all new content tailored to meet the needs of both new and returning participants. Stay tuned for a future blog post where we will release more information about next year’s agenda.

Key Dates and How to Register

Follow us on LinkedIn for updates on our upcoming Information Session coming soon! The program officially kicks off in late January 2025, and we encourage you to sign-up early to secure your spot.

  • Information Session: (Virtual) Coming soon!
  • Program Start Date: Late January 2025
  • Cost: Free for APMP NCA Members

Apply for the Program (all applicants are accepted)!

Can’t attend the Information Session? No problem! Reach out to Sara Levene at Sara@apmpnca.org to arrange a one-on-one session that fits your schedule.

Exclusive Perks for Early Registrants

Sign up before October 6th and attend the Mid-Atlantic Conference (MAC) to enjoy exclusive perks, including a Mentor-Protégé Program Participant Badge Ribbon and a reserved seat at lunch with 2024 participants.

The APMP NCA Mentor-Protégé Program is more than just a mentorship initiative—it’s a pathway to success. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, this program offers an unparalleled opportunity to grow, learn, and connect with the proposal management community.

Join us and be part of this transformative experience. Register for the MAC today! 
