APMP’s second annual Women’s Virtual Summit is August 4th! It’s your opportunity to learn about the most pressing, current, and emerging issues for professional women and how you can be an advocate and ally of women in business. 

We had an opportunity to sit down with Sarah Miranda, presenter and APMP National Capital Area (NCA) member, to talk about what they’re excited about, what to expect from their session and how APMP is helping them achieve their professional goals.

Thank you for joining us, Sarah! What are you most excited about for women in the industry right now? 

I love seeing how the “Women Supporting Women” mantra from society has taken shape in the proposal industry. Now more than ever, we proposal women are claiming our power. We’re breaking conference speaker records, recommending each other for jobs in executive roles, and sharing vulnerable conversations when warranted too. I truly think all of this is possible because of collective and synergistic support. In this case 2+2 = 5; we’re stronger together. 

Despite my youth, I’m no stranger to the age-old, false narrative that there are “only so many spots for women at the top – everyone is competition”. However, when we operate with a group mentality rather than a scarcity mindset, we actually carve more space out for women in the future. Women grow the pie and eat it too. If we continue conversations like ones anticipated for APMP’s Virtual Women’s Summit, we’re not only gaining greater understanding for accurate advocacy, but also setting the standard of support we expect from all peers, no matter the gender, in the workplace. 

What is your most powerful lesson learned?

Hmmm.. I have two and they go hand in hand:

1) You can’t “out learn” what time can teach you. In many of my previous internships and work roles, I’ve been described as a “sponge”. I love knowledge and wholeheartedly believe in life long learning. That being said, at times, I’d find myself absorbing for knowledge’s sake, never taking time to slow down and implement my findings. This led to knowledge gain with a lack of true understanding or wisdom. Time and life lived is necessary for true progress to be made.

2) Similarly, you can’t out perform someone’s perception of you, and if you try, you’re chasing approval, not professional advancement. I’m a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, so BELIEVE ME.. I get it. However, this route, professionally and personally, leads to burn out.

Success is a healthy desire when kept in check, but lethal when granted supremacy. My secret sauce to growth is being content, but never complacent.

What do you want people to take away from your session?

Women don’t simply deserve a seat at the table for equality’s sake. We have a biological advantage that men can’t access, and I feel like as women, we’re rarely taught how to tap into this power! We’ll discuss how to leverage each phase of a woman’s hormonal cycle to increase productivity and reduce motivational friction, and ultimately how this knowledge can empower us to show up confidently as decision makers. So for women, the take-away is knowledge about our body and motivation on how to use it. For men, I hope this serves as insight into and grounds for respect of their woman co-workers’ perspectives.

How do APMP and APMP NCA help you achieve your goals?

You know I’m long winded, but I’ll try and keep this one short. APMP and APMP NCA not only help me continuously achieve my personal goals, but also previously helped shape my career goals just 2 and a half short years ago! 

When I entered into the proposal industry, I dove headfirst into the deep end, not quite sure what to expect. APMP study materials and APMP NCA webinars were (and still are) my primary sources for learning about the industry. Over the years, I’ve gained mentors, professional experience, local and international Board of Directors seats, serving opportunities, and ultimately now, a speaking platform. How? This was all made possible by APMP’s industry standard benchmarks for which to aspire, and APMP NCA’s further education and networking opportunities. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by hard workers who inspire me daily.

If I could say one last thing.. You’ll never regret getting involved, and an opportunity only presents itself to those who are ready. Take the chance and run.

Thank you, Sarah! We’re looking forward to your session, Cycle Syncing at Work – What Women Bring to the Table that Men Never Could. Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn

The Summit is a one-day worldwide online event that will occur in time blocks that span all time zones. The sessions will be available on-demand for 90 days after the event through the event app. Register now!