Description: We are living in an “at a glance” society. Reviewers, evaluators, and decision makers no longer expect information to be succinct and clear—they require it. If we fail to embrace at a glance communication, we will lose more. Attend this fast-paced workshop learn Mike’s newest techniques for making at a glance, winning graphics. All participants get free graphics and tools.
Bio: @Mike_Parkinson is a geek. He is 1 of 36 Microsoft PowerPoint MVPs in the world, is an internationally recognized communication and presentation expert, best-selling author, and professional trainer. Mike’s keynotes, training, books (“Billion Dollar Graphics” and “A Trainer’s Guide to PowerPoint: Best Practices for Master Presenters.”), and tools ( help companies succeed while saving money and time. He a partner at 24 Hour Company (, a premier creative services firm, and owns Billion Dollar Graphics (
When: August 26, 2020 12:00 – 1:00 PM
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