Lohfeld Consulting Group’s Free Webinar: Proposal Writing and the Eight-Second Attention Span

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  • Dates: 14 – 14 Dec, 2017

Join APMP-NCA President Lisa Pafe at noon on December 14 to learn how to modernize your proposal writing to win in the digital age.  A 2015 Microsoft study found that digital distractions have resulted in the average person having an 8-second attention span, less than a goldfish! A 2016 Harvard Business Review article stated that bad writing is the biggest productivity buster. Yet, we still write proposals the old-fashioned way, as if our evaluators have unlimited time and focus. This webinar will discuss how to modernize our proposal writing to win in the digital age, using persuasive, attention-grabbing techniques such as calls to action, exceeding expectations, and clearly relevant writing.

Don’t miss this insightful presentation from an industry leader.  Register today at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8161699389323093505

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